WEEK 9ish
I have known this week’s subject her entire life. I have loved her like family because she is, and been in awe of her independence, defiance, talent and generosity. Tara Slone’s most recent role as host of Roger’s Hometown Hockey has served to amplify her voice and allowed her to make space for the voices of others. She is refreshing to listen to, and a bright light to follow. Enjoy the interview, and thanks for coming along for the ride.
Somedays I feel like I have already lived a thousand lives. These days with age and the anxiety and imbalances that come with peri-menopause I feel like I am living all those lives in every minute of every day and I am exhausted, but mostly, I can reflect on the amazing things and amazing people I have met and what I have seen and the art I’ve experienced. And because I have had the privilege of being able to organize my life in a way where I miss few things, I rarely feel regret.
Over the past week, however, I have been regretting not seeing the Theirry Mugler show when it was in Montreal at the Musée des Beaux-Arts. And in writing and revisiting my interview with Rebecca Carroll, I have been regretting not making more of an effort to follow her and her work over the years that I have known, and known of her. One of my lives many years ago took me to New York City and introduced me to a world of exceptional humans. Rebecca Carroll was one of them. I do hope that if you are already familiar with her and her work you will enjoy our chat and hear her cadence and confidence when you read her words. And if you don’t know her, you’re in for a treat. And then go and read and listen to everything you can. You won’t regret it.
An editor’s job is often misunderstood. Commonly thought to be responsible for grammar infractions and typos, what a lot of people don’t know is that an editor is a collaborator, a guide, a support and most of all, a champion of the story that might be waiting to emerge. Susan Rich is an exceptional example of an editor. Over the course of her 25-year career, Rich has seen her books receive awards, become New York Times bestsellers and the authors and illustrators she collaborates with tell glorious tales.
Lucky for THE CRONING, she saved some of her own stories for us. Rich talks about being a mentor, the women who inspired her and what it is to realize we do in fact, get better with age.
Thanks again for stopping by, and hope to see you again,
It is grossly unfair to reduce someone’s career to one role. To focus on their most recent opportunity and incorporate it into your own personal decades-long obsession. But the delightfully talented Danielle Moné Truitt as Sergeant Ayanna Bell on Law & Order: Organized Crime is a welcome addition to the fictional NYC cop universe. And as I learned (and was in no way surprised by), she is far more than that role alone.
We had a chance to talk to her about making major life changes at 40, what it’s like living in New York City as a Northern Californian, her one-woman show and stepping into the next phase of her career.
Thanks for coming and hope to see you again.
These past two weeks have been all about the learning curve. Having worked in media for over 20 years, there are few things that phase me anymore. And yet, I was phased. But we’re back. Lessons learned.
This week, the always amazing, perpetually rad Mariko Tamaki. Writer of all things with keen insights, witty words and a talent for dialogue, Tamaki is a pleasure to read and a laugh to talk to. Read all about it this week.
If this is not your first time here, thank you for your return visit. And if it is your first time, welcome.
Hope to see you again.
We’ll miss you.
Thanks for stopping in.
Hope to see you again.
The brilliance of Shary Boyle, the complexity of her work, and the intention of how she moves into this stage of her career is such a pleasure to witness. There is a quality about her consideration of others and appreciation for artists in all mediums that makes those around her want to do better, share more, create more space. We had the pleasure of chatting about everything from hair colour (which didn’t make the edit due to length — of the piece, not hair), the privilege of collaboration and community, and body temperature. I highly recommend the read.
Welcome back, or welcome to, but either way, thank you for coming!
Hope to see you again.
It is a remarkable thing — attention and praise at a time of enormous self-doubt. Self-doubt is part of the creative process, of always wondering whether or not what you bring to the table is good enough, but being compelled to do it anyway. As an outsider looking into the creative process of Tracey Scott Wilson, there is no doubt that the smart and insightful storytelling she brings to the table is what we all need. From bringing the story of the Queen of Soul to the big screen to breathing life into the intricacies and nuances of relationships and race on stage, Wilson is always one to watch.
If this is your first visit to THE CRONING, thanks for coming. If you’re a repeat visitor, a million thank yous.
Hope to see you again.
THE CRONING is finally live. After a year of planning while living with the realities of a global pandemic, dying family and hormonal brain fog, it has arrived. I am so grateful for those who have had infinite patience when I have not, those who have encouraged me to just get on with it, and most importantly for the women willing to talk to THE CRONING about what it means to be making kick-ass work and waking up every night drowning in their own sweat.
THE CRONING isn’t a magazine+ about ageing, (although it is happening to all of us and everyone likes a skincare tip now and then). but about exploring the lives and practice of creators who craft our cultural fabric while transitioning into another stage of life — physically, mentally and socially. For now, as we evolve and transition, we’ll feature another artist, or author, or illustrator, or musician who gets on with it. Coming up its screenwriter, playwright and television visionary Tracey Scott Wilson, artist Shary Boyle and multi-hyphenate Rebecca Carroll.
Thanks for checking us out. Hope to see you again.